Other News

NITA Launches Distance Learning With Course - 01 November 2018

Future Skills initiative - 05 April 2020

National cadres are the cornerstone of the development process and the focus of our attention. Therefore, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology launched the "Future Skills" initiative to qualify highly qualified national cadres to push the digital transformation process and increase job opportunities in the communications and information technology sector in multiple fields including modern, traditional and supportive technologies and future jobs .Jobs in our current world are witnessing a change, and this change will increase in the future due to the great digital transformation that our world is witnessing, and this digital transformation is accompanied by job losses, but positive for some others who develop their digital capabilities and enroll in training courses that keep pace with the requirements of the labor market Who will maintain jobs or get jobs New or getting distinguished jobs, because those who learn contribute or work to develop your digital capabilities through a training course as is happening today in the Future Skills Initiative. Training courses require the participant to focus completely on content and application in the field of work after completing the course, the training courses offered were submitted by more than the attendees currently, but due to the existence of acceptance criteria and the limited capacity of the capacity, the current number was satisfied, so the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology made great efforts in cooperation with its partners in training more than twenty-two thousand national cadres through skills development and reorientation Skills.